Our latest Perspective “Sleep-like cortical dynamics during wakefulness and their network effects following brain injury” is now out on @NatureComms @SpringerNature. https://rdcu.be/dRDzx
Kudos to @MauCorbetta @thandrillon @mavi_sanchez @MarioRosanova M. Massimini and G.Deco!
Seeing the Future: Anticipatory Eye Gaze as a Marker of Memory
We developed a NO-REPORT paradigm for studying episodic-like memory for events occurring at specific places and times @YaminEtAl @FlavioSchmidig @omerxsharon @CharanRanganath
A 🧵.. pls RT
New preprint post! We show that motor commands in the superior colliculus shift the internal representation of heading during REM sleep despite the immobility of sleeping mice. Thus, the brain simulates actions and their consequences during REM sleep.🧵1/7