Sleep and cognition
Sleep is fascinating. We study brain activity during sleep, how it supports cognition and restorative functions, and how it affects sensation and consciousness.
Yuval Nir 💔 Follow
Studying sleep, anesthesia, neuromodulation, memory, and sensory processing, combining human and animal models, Tel Aviv University |
@LabLuthi uncovers a dual role of #locus @coeruleus in #sleep -> 1) its strict gatekeeper role for the sleep cycle 2) the partial brain-body arousals it generates. Powerful minds behind all this: @alejandrosoriof @GFoustoukos @CardisRomain
NREM sleep improves behavioral performance by desynchronizing cortical circuits | Science
Online now: NMDA receptors regulate the firing rate set point of hippocampal circuits without altering single-cell dynamics
Faculty of Medicine • Sagol School of Neuroscience Biomedical Engineering • Tel Aviv Medical Center